
Education VS Corruption

One day after his inauguration (Wednesday 21 October 2009) as the president of the Republic, President Susilo Bambang Yudoyono who is now in the second term of the presidency, announced The United Indonesia Cabinet II to help him run the country in the next five years. The new Education Minister Mohammad Nuh, the former Minister of Communication and Information, has been assigned to run the Education in the country.

Phillip Turnbull from BSD City, Banten sent a letter to The Jakarta Post and was published by this English paper on the October 22, 2009. His opinion about the real portrait of education and corruption in Indonesia would be a good feed back to those who are concerned in the education.
Below article is quoted from The Jakarta Post, October 22, 2009:

I began teaching English on a voluntary basis several days ago in local kampung school. As a retired teacher, I wanted to make a contribution, however small, to the wellbeing of my adoptive country. Nothing altruistic about it really. Daytime television bores me. The local school is community of people – students, their parents, teachers and supporting staff. These people welcomed me into their school and we began what I hope will be a long, constructive and mutually satisfying relationship.

I spent he first day in the company of visionary, young headmaster and enthusiastic teachers, getting to know them and my new pupils. Naturally, the children we initially shy, but by the time I felt at the end of the day I was greeted cheerfully by any of them in a way I had not encountered before in any school I had previously taught at.

The day was spent in various classrooms, all of them uniformly drab and soulless and in need of urgent paintwork and cleaning. No artworks, posters, study aides, samples of student’s work or audiovisual equipment was evident in any of the room except one. The desk were rickety, and the seats uncomfortable. The rooms were badly ventilated if at all.

The students seemed happy amongst themselves and respectful towards their teachers, but were academically passive. I spent a lot of time asking the simple questions and encouraging them to question me in turn, but with little success. I suspect they were not used to doing so, regardless of any hesitancy about speaking English. I was told, that was “the Indonesia way – students don’t ask questions or express opinion”.

The teaching staff are on duty from seven in the morning until late afternoon, and are burdened with an excessive and exhausting load of classroom teaching. Also, I learned that as a profession, teachers are not highly esteemed in Indonesian society and are poorly paid. Many have to take on other jobs to make ends meet.

This school clearly lacked proper resources and equipment, despite the timely renovations to a few of its dilapidated classrooms. It has not been adequately funded from the vast financial resources available in this country. And there are vast financial resources in this country, if only they didn’t simply get “lost” or “diverted” or blatantly stolen by some among those entrusted with the nation’s money set aside for public use and infrastructure. One day, perhaps, these criminals will bankrupt this country.

Politicians and elite should understand that money spent on education in everyone’s best interest. It requires a log-term view as opposed to mere political expediency and short-term, quick-fix options that have no lasting effect. Education is about the long haul and requires vision, lots of money and planning. Money invested in quality education al all levels and for all children in money well spent.

Free education for every child in Indonesia from kindergarten to the end of senior high school should be taken for granted. Universities should not be education industries primarily focused on vocational training and making money, but centers of learning open to all who are gifted and talented. Perhaps the new politicians might come and visit this school and share their views on the importance of education with the teachers and students and tell them what they plan to do abut it. That would be an interesting class.


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Correct English (3): antara Frasa dan Klausa

Untuk memahami struktur kalimat yang sederhana memang mudah, akan tetapi tidak demikian halnya bila kita harus menghadapi kalimat yang kompleks. Dalam kalimat tunggal hanya tedapat satu susunan subyek + predikat, sedangkan dalam kalimat majemuk (compound sentence) terdapat dua atau lebih susunan subyek + predikat. Untuk mempermudah pemahaman kita mengenai struktur kalimat, kita perlu mempalajari lebih jdahulu tentang frasa, klausa, dan kalimat itu sendiri.


Frasa (phrase) adalah kelompok kata yang memiliki fungsi sama seperti nomina/pronomina, adjektiva, atau pun adverbia, akan tetapi tidak merupakan susunan subyek + predikat (subject + verb) , sehingga kelompok kata ini tidak dapat berdiri sendiri baik sebagai sebuah frasa maupun sebagai sebuah kalimat.

My former friend called me this morning.
My daughter is listening to her favorite music program.

my former friend / her favorite music program merupakan frasa sebab hanya berupa kumpulan kata, tetapi tidak mempunyai susunan subyek + predikat (subject + verb).

Bandingkan dengan contoh berikut:

because he is sick – kumpulan kata ini merupakan klausa sebab mempunyai unsur subject + verb ( he = subject, is = verb). Namun demikian meskipun kelompok kata ini mempunyai unsur subject + verb hanya disebut sebagai klausa, karena tidak dapat berdiri sendiri sebagai kalimat dan harus ada klausa yang diikutinya. Supaya mempunyai pengertian penuh klausa ini bisa kita lengkapi, misalnya kita menambahkan di depannya klausa lain sebagai berikut:

He is absent because he is sick (klausa berubah menjadi kalimat majemuk / compound).

He is sick – kelompok kata ini sudah merupakan sebuah kalimat sebab memiliki unsur subject + verb. Dengan menghilangkan kata ‘because’ justru yang semula sebuah klausa berubah menjadi kalimat karena dapat berdiri sendiri dan mempunyai pengertian penuh. Bedanya dengan kalimat di atasnya adalah bahwa kalimat ini merupakan kalimat tunggal (simple sentence) sebab unsur subject + verb-nya hanya satu.

Berdasarkan fungsinya yang dapat sebagai nomina, adjektiva, atau pun adverbia, maka frasa ini dapat digolongkan sebagai frasa nomina/benda (noun phrase), frasa sifat (adjectival phrase), dan frasa keterangan (adverbial phrase).

Frasa nomina/benda (noun phrase)

My ugly dog is always barking (noun phrase sebagai subject).

The official announced the probable delay of arrival (noun phrase sebagai object).
She is a friend of joy and sorrow (noun phrase sebagai complement).

Dua frasa nomina/benda (atau nomina dan frasa nomina) dapat beraposisi/berdampingan. Frasa yang kedua biasanya diapit oleh tanda koma ( ,__, ) atau tanda koma dan titik ( ,___.).

The local newspaper, now a national publication, always accompanies him to start the day (dua noun phrase beraposisi sebagai subject).

He always reads ‘Kedaulatan Rakyat’, the biggest paper in Yogyakarta (dua noun phrase beraposisi sebagai object).

The man with the greatest power is the chief of the city, the mayor of the city development (dua noun phrase sebagai pelengkap/complement).

Frasa adjektiva/sifat (adjectival phrase)

The Miss. Indonesia, beautiful as ever, walked to the stage (adjectival phrase menerangkan nomina).

She was pale with fear (adjectival phrase sebagai complement).

Frasa adverbia/keterangan (adverbial phrase)

Pay me before the end of this year (frasa adverbia waktu).

All cars are parked in front of the building (adverbia tempat).

They moved the fruit with a basket on their head (adverbia cara).

Klausa ( Clause)

Seperti halnya frasa, klausa (clause) juga dapat berfungsi untuk menggantikan nomina, adjektiva, maupun adverbia. Perbedaannya dengan frasa adalah bahwa klausa selalu memiliki susunan subyek + predikat. Sekali pun memenuhi unsur memiliki susunan subyek + predikat, klausa tidak dapat berdiri sendiri sebagai kalimat yang mandiri.

She will leave the room later (adverbia).

She will leave the room after she finishes the exams (klausa adverbia /waktu)

Dalam kalimat majemuk (compound sentence) di atas, kita dapati 2 (dua) susunan subyek + predikat, yaitu:

She will leave the room, dan
after she finishes the exams.

Klausa yang pertama dapat berdiri sendiri dan mempunyai pengertian penuh sehingga disebut klausa utama (dependent clause), sedangkan klausa kedua mempunyai ketergantungan pada klausa utama dan tidak dapat berdiri sendiri sebagai kalimat utuh, maka dinamai klausa terikat/anak kalimat (subordinate clause).

1). Anak kalimat berfungsi nomina (subordinate noun-clause)

What he decided
surprised all of us (subordinate noun clause sebagai subyek)

We know that he has been cheating us so far (subordinate noun clause sebagai obyek).

The truth is that he does not know much about the matter (subordinate noun clause sebagai complement)

2). Anak kalimat berfungsi sebagai adjektiva (subordinate adjectival clause)

The victims, who were injured in the crash, have been evacuated (subordinate adjectival clause menerangkan subject).

This course suits anyone who has limited time (subordinate adjectival clause menerangkan object).

3). Anak kalimat berfungsi sebagai adverbia/keterangan

He wounded when a punch hit his head (sub. adverbial clause of time = anak kalimat keterangan waktu).

He put it back where he took it (sub. adverbial clause of place = anak kalimat keterangan tempat)

She learned as her teacher has taught her before (sub. adverbial clause of manner = anak kalimat keterangan cara).

Demikian sedikit pembahasan kita mengenai frasa (phrase) dan klausa (clause) yang berguna sebagai dasar pemahaman sebelum kita membahas mengenai kalimat (sentences) dalam bahasan kita mendatang.

Selamat belajar.

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Correct English (2): Verba, Adverbia, Preposisi, Konjungsi

Verba / Kata Kerja

Mari kita teruskan Correct English kita. Kali ini kita akan mencoba memahami kata kerja atau verba (verb).

Kata kerja atau verba adalah kata yang menunjukkan suatu tindakan atau keadaan, misalnya: climb, sing, draw, talked, wrote

Verba dapat terdiri dari satu maupun lebih dari satu kata.
She writes a letter. (satu kata)
She should have written a letter of her illness. (lebih dari satu kata).

Verb mengalami beberapa perubahan bentuk sehubungan dengan waktu kapan peristiwa itu terjadi. Bentuk perubahan kata kerja ini disebut tenses.

Present tense: I refuse that proposal.
Past tense: I refused that proposal.
Future tense: I shall refuse that proposal.
(Tenses selengkapnya, silakan baca postingan ‘ English For Young Learners’)

Dalam kaitannnya untuk membuat kalimat, verba / kata kerja memerlukan adanya subject. Subject (subyek) adalah sebuah kata atau selompok kata yang melakukan tindakan verba:

Robert reads a novel.
To spend too much money is foolish.

Untuk kalimat transitif, obyek diperlukan untuk kelengkapan kalimatnya.
Object (obyek) adalah kata atau kelompok kata yang dikenakan tindakan verba:

My father reminded him.
I have lost my beautiful pen.

Namun demikian tidak semua verba harus mempunyai object. Dalam kalimat intransitif verba tidak memerlukan object / obyek.

He was dreaming.
They are struggling to survive.

Contoh lain kalimat transitif yang verba-nya memerlukan sebuah object.

My younger daughter is writing a letter. (a letter = object).
He has to shoot the target. (the target = object).

Promina bisa memiliki bentuk yang berbeda, tergantung apakah ia berkedudukan sebagai subject atau object.

I called him loudly but he did not hear me.

Saya / orang pertama tunggal, sebagai subyek menggunakan ‘I ‘, sedangkan sebagai obyek menggunakan ‘me’. Demikian juga ia (laki-laki) sebagai orang ketiga menggunakan ‘he’ sebagai subyek, dan ‘him’ sebagai obyek.

Verba to be (am, is, are) dan bentuk lampaunya (was, were), tidak dapat memiliki object tetapi memerlukan pelengkap atau complement. Verba yang memerlukan pelengkap ini kadang-kadang disebut linking verb, kopula, atau verba penghubung karena fungsinya menghubungkan subyek dengan pelengkap (complement).

He is one of my friends (is = linking verb, one of my friends = complement).
Her farther is a dentist. (is = linking verb, a dentist = complement).

Verba tertentu (finite verb), adalah verba yang subyeknya sudah tertentu. Meskipun subject tidak disebutkan secara eksplisit, tetapi dapat dipahami subject kalimat itu sudah tentu.

Do not smoke at the gas station!

Meskipun tidak disebutkan tetapi subject-nya dapat diartikan sebagai kamu, kalian, atau siapa pun (sudah tentu).

Verba tidak tentu (non-finite verb) adalah verba yang tidak memiliki subject, tetapi verba itu malah berfungsi sebagai subject dalam kalimat.

To delay landing would be fatal.
To solve the problem would take much energy.

Verba juga dapat berfungsi sebagai nomina (kata benda) dan adjektiva (kata sifat).

Reading would lead you to the wider world (reading = nomina)
Standing party tends to be the new style now (standing = adjektiva)

Verba dapat berbentuk aktif maupun pasif. Verba aktif apabila subject melakukan tindakan verba, sedangkan verba pasif apabila subject dikenai tindakan verba.

The judges sent him for five-year imprisonment (subject/the judges melakukan tindakan).
He was sent for five-year imprisonment (subject / he, dikenai tindakan verba).

Bentuk verba juga dapat berbeda apabila dipengaruhi oleh bentuk subject tunggal (singular) atau jamak (plural).

The bird flies.
The birds fly.

Adverbia / Adverb / Kata Keterangan

Adverbia adalah kata yang memberikan keterangan terhadap kata kerja (verba), kata sifat (adjektiva), atau pun kata keterangan (adverbia) yang lain.

He cried loudly. (loudly menerangkan cried = adverbia menerangkan verba)
There was a very faint cry. (very menerangkan faint = adverbia menerangkan adjektiva)
He cried more loudly. (more menerangkan loudly = adverbia menerangkan adverbia)

Bila adverbia menerangkan verba, biasanya adverbia ini menunjukkan bagaimana, kapan, di mana, atau mengapa tindakan verba itu dilakukan. Adverbia yang menunjukkan mengapa kegiatan verba terjadi, biasanya dalam bentuk adverbial clause karena sifatnya berupa penjelasan.

He is crying loudly. ( bagaimana menangisnya? loudly)
He is crying at the moment. ( kapan menagisnya? at the moment )
He is crying in the classroom. ( di mana menangisnya? in the classroom)
He is crying because he has lost his money. (mengapa menangis? because he has lost his money)

Pada umumnya adverbia dibentuk dengan menambahkan –ly pada adjektiva:

loud (adjektiva) – loudly (adverbia)
absolute (adjektiva) – absolutely (adverbia)

Akan tetapi tidak semua adverbia mengikuti ketentuan ini:

This is the fast way (adjektiva). They run fast (adverbia).
This magazine is weekly publication (adjektiva). They publish the magazine weekly (adverbia)

Preposisi / Kata Depan ( Preposition)

Preposisi / kata depan adalah kata yang menunjukkan hubungan antara nomina (kata benda) atau pronomina (kata ganti) dengan bagian lainnya dalam kalimat.

She jumped into the water.
The carpenter took the nail from the wood.
Preposisi biasanya mendahului dan bertalian erat dengan nomina, pronomina, atau frasa / klausa kata benda (noun phrase / noun clause).

Preposisi menunjukkan hubungan tempat:

You must walk around the jungle, not through it (antara around dan through the jungle, menunjukkan hubungan tempat yang berbeda)

Preposisi menunjukkan hubungan waktu:

They came before / during / after the rain (before/during/after menunjukkan hubungan waktu)

Preposisi menunjukkan hubungan cara:

They hit me with a hammer.
He goes to school on foot.
The cargo was delivered by hand.

Kadang-kadang preposisi dihilangkan:

The rescue team shows (to) me the way out from the jungle.

Kata yang sama dapat berfungsi sebagai sebuah preposisi maupun sebagai adverbia:

You have to put it outside the room (preposisi).
Wait outside and I will meet you! (adverbia).

Konjungsi / Kata Sambung / Conjunction

Konjungsi atau kata sambung adalah kata yang menggabungkan dua kata, dua kelompok kata, atau dua klausa.

red and white (menghubungkan dua kata)
take it or leave it (menghubungkan dua kelompok kata)
I was absent because I got headache yesterday (menghubungkan dua klausa)

Letak konjungsi tidak harus berada di antara kata yang dihubungkan:

Because I got headache yesterday, I was absent.
Although it was raining, the children went on playing.

Sebuah kata dapat berfungsi sebagai konjungsi dalam satu kalimat, tetapi dapat juga berfungsi lain dalam kalimat yang berbeda:

Wash the dishes after you eat! (konjungsi)
Wash the dishes and you may go after! (adverbia)
We let you go after the rain (preposisi).

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English Teaching: Speaking Teachers Needed!

Students graduated from secondary school have been learning English at least for six years. The first three years when they were learning in Junior High School and the other three years when they were in Senior High School. Anyhow, it seems that many of the graduates, if not the most, still do not obtain adequate ability of speaking. If this is an indication, then the other three main skills of language learning such as listening, reading and writing are subject to an enigma. As they are inter-correlated skills, which form the unity, it is still questionable if the instructional aims have been attained.

Looking at the surroundings here where many English courses are growing out side the formal schools, this may be also an indication to the above assumption. If formal schools are offering adequate performance of daily-in use skill of English, then English courses should not have provided general English, except one for TOEFL / IELTS certification or English for special purposes. As a matter of facts, English courses are offering programs of making the students speak as if they have not had got any English lessons at school.

English courses are likely to be more suitable places to learn surviving English rather than schools where students have been learning English for about six years, but have got nothing from their school. It is ironical if a student who exceeds the others and can speak English well then be proud of his English course rather than his formal school.

The other reason for questioning if the teaching process in schools is enigmatic is that the outputs that are not the answer of the job markets. Job vacancies, especially ones of foreign companies, require the applicants to have a good command of English in both written and spoken. In fact, most of applicants often do not meet the requirements; even their written English is under the standard. With this condition, the school outputs finally only fill vacancy of the local companies with less salary.

The inadequate speaking skill the students gain from schools, which is always under the job market, may have been the reason for parents to take any English course after school hours for their children. They have been thinking that English is compulsory for today’s livings. For the relatively rich parents this additional course outside the formal school would not be a financial burden, but it is not for the poor.

The causative factors why graduates from secondary schools do not have an ability to speak English after six years of leaning at school are, among others:

1. English teachers do not (or speak a little) English in class
When the teacher does not speak English, the students will never hear people speaking, nor do they try to speak. Then, how can students speak English if the teacher does not teach to speak and act as a live model? Teachers should encourage their students speak with them, with other students or anyone who may be possible to be their counterpart.

2. English teachers teach only grammatical rules
Teaching grammatical rules would never make the students speak. It would not give the students much help unless the students understand how to use the grammar. In fact, students just memorize the rules but do not ever know the usage. They do not have any ability to apply to the rules. For example: students are learning tenses but they do not know when they should apply tenses to sentences. Grammar should be more appreciative.

3. English teachers do not teach the real materials
The teaching materials are often beyond the daily life. The textbooks are about technical topics such as industry, politics, health and not one of daily life. Teachers teach the students with words like industrialism, liberalism, reformation, which students will never start speaking with such kinds of words. Teachers should teach their student’s vocabulary applicable to the daily life such as ones for introducing, greeting, and asking directions, shopping and the similar activities. Vocabulary should be communicative.

4. Repetition and not subsequence of teaching
When students learn English in Senior High School, the teachers just teach them grammatical rules like ones from Junior High School. Students learn the same materials as what they got from the previous school. Thus, it is only a repetition of materials and not the continuation.


1. English teachers should be more talk-active in the class, as they will never make their students speak without direct speaking model from themselves.

2. Grammar should be applicative so that students can apply the grammatical rules to the commutative language.

3. Vocabulary should be communicative so that the students can start speaking with these words.

4. Teaching that develops materials and not repeats.

Have a nice teaching! From: English Learning Camp.

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No Smoking!

It has been a year since our company imposed a ban of smoking in all areas of the company. For many years before the ban, the company provided some restricted points where smokers had a chance to smoke cigarettes. But since August 17, 2008 no more smokers might have a dream of taking pleasure of smoking. Not only does the ban prohibit smoking in all areas of the mill, but also forbid any one, without any exception, from taking cigarettes or matches into the areas. This good campaign of healthy life has got much appreciation from all parties.

As the biggest paper manufacturer in the South East Asia, the company has to apply to all the necessities that improve the image of the company to both domestic and international markets. Now, this giant paper mill, PT. Pabrik Kertas Tjiwi Kimia Tbk., is exporting its products to countries all over the world. Taking the role of campaigning smoking ban would certainly be a great support to the WHO-sponsored program: the day without tobacco.

Smoking in the mill areas, more than just the harmful effects to the employees, was to be considered as a dangerous activity. The most apparent danger is the fire risk as most of the raw materials are pulp paper and chemicals, which are inflammable and prone to fire. Another aim of this no-smoking campaign is the real participation of keeping the young people free from the danger of smoking.

The fact that many people have been involved in the bad habit of smoking has drawn the attention of some provincial offices. The Jakarta cosmopolitan office, the main city, has issued a ban of smoking in the public areas. This policy should be a pattern for other provinces to keep people from bad smoking. Considering that nowadays a big number of teenagers have also been toppled into this harmful-to-heath smoking, this policy would be of a great help.

The problem why the government does not straightly impose the ban of producing cigarettes or even close the manufacturers of tobacco and cigarettes is that the fact that this industry has been supporting the revenue with the high tax. It seems that government would be facing the huge loss of income from this double-effect industry.

What the government can do is just to campaign for the harmful effect of smoking without having any enforcement. It would take a high risk to the economic situation to close the industry. Campaigning to avoid life from smoking directly to the public or other means of warnings like enforcement to print a warning about the danger of smoking to health on the packaging. But this does not give any positive impact as no smoker even see it.

In the market, and for the sake of commercial trickery, it has been now a tendency to promote the cigarette branding that misleads smokers into believing that some products are less harmful than other products. Subtle branding like ‘mild’, ‘light’, and ‘law tar’ are generally believed to be healthier and less harmful. The word ‘slim’ can mislead women smokers to the wrong perception that smoking this product will make their body slim. Attractive macho pictures on the packets also mislead teenagers to have belief that to be a man they should have courage of smoking.

Since 2002 it has been illegal under EU legislation for manufacturers to use trademarks, text or any sign to suggest that one tobacco product is less harmful than others are. Banned phrases include "low tar", "light" and "mild". In the UK, the Liberal Democrats are currently trying to reintroduce an amendment to the Health Bill to further restrict branding and designs on packs.

With the above reference, it is the time for the government to think over the legislation to ban the subtle branding that can mislead people to thinking of certain brands are less harmful with the others. The truth is that all cigarettes are equally hazardous, regardless of what color the pack is or what words appear on it. There should be a restriction of producing cigarette packing with such attractive pictures deliberately to tempt people to smoking.

The tobacco and cigarette industry is likely a blade with two sharp sides. On one side, it is generally judged as the agent of the bad habit of living, but on the other hand, the government still has to make money with it. With this condition, we cannot expect more but think over our health.

Have a good life!

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Bali: The Island of Paradise

Foreigners may know Bali better than our country, Indonesia. As a matter of fact, Bali is a province of Indonesia, the country in the East that comprises a thousand of islands. Bali is one of those islands, the islands that are scattered across the archipelago. This may have happened, as Bali is among those of interesting places of the world that is always charming visitors. One should not have ever visited our country unless he/she visits Bali, nor should they proclaim themselves as the real travelers without travelling this paradise. The splendid beauty of the island that has been enchanting its visitors all the times refers Bali Island to as the Island of Paradise.

Bali was discovered by a Mr. Cornellis de Houtman, during his world expedition to explore for species around the world in 1579. From Java they sailed to the east, before finally they landed on the beautiful Bali Island.

In Bali, he did not find any species thereto but the society with a unique living that he had never seen in other places during his expedition all over the word. The beautiful landscape of the island and its religious living tradition of the society were distinctive attraction that no other places of the world might offer. He reported this marvelous discovery to the king in Holland, then.

Since 1920, tourists from the European countries had been coming to this island. Hollandaise commercial vessels called on Bali during their exploration to find out resources of species and then promoted Bali Island as the Island of God.

Some of the visitors were cultural specialists and artists that visited Bali with special purpose of exploring the Balinese cultures and arts. Many publications about Bali were launched to promote Bali Island.

Writers of Balinese literature at that time were among others:

Dr Gregor Krause from Germany was sent to Wetherisnds East Idies (Indonesia) in 1921 with a special task of compiling writings and photographs of the Balinese traditions.
Miguel Covarrubias, wrote his book of the Island of Bali in 1930
Magaret Mead
Collin Mc Phee
Jone Bello
Mrs Menc (Ni Ketut Tantri) wrote her book of Revolt In Paradise
Roelof Goris, wrote a book of Prasasti Bali (Balinese historic inscription) lived in Bali in 1928
Lovis Conperus (1863-1923) wrote a book of Easwords (The journey to the east), contents of which was his admiration to Bali Island, especially Kintamani.

Arts painters who had been working in Bali:

R. Bonet built Ratna Warta museum
Walter Spies, who came to Bali in 1925, together with Tjokorde established Pita Maha Foundation. He also wrote a book of Dance and Drama in Bali.
Arie Smith, coming with style of young artist
Le Mayeur, a Belgian, married with a Balinese girl and was living in Sanur, Bali Island in 1930 with his Museum Le Mayeur.
Mario Blanco, a Spanish painter, also married with Balinese girl and was living in Ubud.

Many foreigners had been coming to Bali and made many publications about Bali, and they promoted Bali to Europeans and Americans since then. Visitors who had ever been to Bali share their experiences to others and this is a tremendous way to introduce the splendid Bali to the world. This long way of promotion which was at the first time from mouth-to-mouth that perhaps had been affecting people in other countries, up to this time being, to know Bali better than Indonesia.

Bali was getting more and more well known in the world when Legong Peliatan conducted a mission of tourism in 1932, to almost all countries in Europe and America. Bali was named as:
The Island of Gods
The Island of Paradise
The Island of Thousand Temples
The Morning of The World, by Pandit Jawahral Nehru
The Last Paradise on Earth, ect.

From any airport all over the world, visitor may fly to international airport Ngurah Rai in Denpasar, the provincial city of Bali. Since you step your feed on the airport, you will then experience the unique atmosphere of Bali: the living tradition of praying at pura (small temples for praying), beautiful Bali landscapes or enchanting seas panorama.

Guesthouses, motels, non-rated or five-star hotels are available in Bali and you may pick out one that most suit you. You may hire cars or motorcycles and enjoy exploring distinctive Bali at your preference.

The government has been unceasingly promoting Bali to other countries in many ways, such as: promoting through Embassy offices, tourism package tours to some other countries, brochures and leaflets, and other means of promotion. Now Bali has been the most visited-tourism destination in Indonesia, both by domestic and foreign visitors.

So, experience Bali! Bali Island, the Island of Paradise, it is true!

*pictures: from www.bali-pictures.com

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Happy Birthday to My President!

The President Elect Susilo Bambang Yudoyono is celebrating his 60th birthday today, on 09-09-09. Happy Birthday to my President! It is a belief that ‘9’ (nine) is a symbol of top achievement before something restarts counting again from ‘0’ (zero). When the president is today celebrating his birthday on this unique composition of figure, it is not only a happiness of himself and his family, but also a hope of all the people of the country to be the accumulated good fate to the nation.

The modern numeric prophecy believes that the sacred 9 refer to accomplishment, satisfaction and utmost achievement. Nine is the culmination of anything before it has to restart counting again from zero. For this reason some has taken the chance to commence or promote something on the ‘good’ date.

Reuters has reported that a government office in Florida is offering a special wedding party, which costs of USD.99, 99 for today. Many companies have decided to take this good chance to gain the advantages. A Company of iPod was reported to launch their new product on the 09-09, and Film Features is launching a film titled as ‘9’.

As the ordinary people of the republic, we are here placing a hope of having any significant improvements on the conditions closed us. That, with this good moment, the president will be starting his second term of presidency with the good commencement. People are expecting betterment of the national economic growth, wider job opportunities, national stability, and clean governance.

Happy birthday to my president!

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This Is Just an Amateur Blog

It is easy to create a web log / a blog as it just takes you five minutes. Open account with Google or Yahoo to have your own e-mail and log in with Blogger, Multiply or Wordpress to create your blog. Within five minutes, you will have got your own blog and you can write down anything on it, and then any one in the other part of the world would see your blog. If so, what is the difficult part of blogging?

Yes, to create a blog is an easy thing. The problem is how to maintain it to be existing. I fact, so many blogs are facing the fate of being neglected by the owners like a farm with no plants. It is unknown if the owners still remember the blog, or once in a while, they still visit it. When someone happens to pay a visit to this neglected blog, they find that it has not been updated for 2 or 3 years since the owner posted the first, and perhaps the last article. Thus, to my opinion, writing articles to post is the hardest work of blogging.

When I created this blog, the first thing emerged in my mind is having a place where I can write anything. Yes, I want to learn to write. Since I am not a writer, I do not teach you how to be a good writer or how to write well. If you find out some articles about how to write in this blog, it is just the manifestation of my idea with some reference. It is not a dogma of how to write. If someone thinks that some points of those writings may be logic and acceptable, it is another question.

On the other hand, if someone would think that the contents of this blog are poor or even terrible, it would not bother me at all. Why? The answer is just simple: because, in fact, I am not a writer. I am but a learner who wants to learn to write. The fact that the articles here perhaps do not comply with the writing techniques nor grammatically incorrect would not be a killing punch that renders me to desperation. Good or bad, it is my writing! The most important thing is trying how to improve it. To be poor in originality may be far better than perfection in plagiarism.

This is also not a splendid appearance of blog that present full magnificent displays and attracts hundreds of visitors a day. This is just a simple one with not more than 10 visitors a day and they just accidentally – not on purpose – dropped by. It doesn’t matter, as well. This is not a business blog nor a professional one designed to charm people as many as it can to visit. This is just a plain and amateur blog, the place where I personally learn many things.

You may see the moving banner with the clause ‘the site that makes you speak’ but you are wandering as not to see any part of this blog that makes you speak rather than just write. Yes, you are absolutely perfect. Realizing that I am not a professional English teacher, a linguist, nor an expert of this language, again I have to say, I do not teach you English. For the time being, I am still learning English and try to write down anything here. So, this is just the way of how I learn English. If someone may take any advantage of it, it is just another side for which I should be proud of. In the contrary, when no one see anything appropriate in this blog, it would not be a big thing to dispute.
A professor may think that learning to speak is sticking glued to the phonetics rules, sitting in a language laboratory or, in front of the class, presenting the speech. And with his almighty, the professor is keeping on watch to his students, justifying each student whether he is eligible to be classified as ‘speak’ or not. Street vendors in Bali will thing that speaking English is sounding any words to offer their merchants to buyers. And no one will argue if the vendors say: ‘Yes, we speak English.’ Speaking is sounding words to express one’s idea and his counterparts catch the meaning. The two different perceptions of the way to learn speaking English.

The main four skills of English learning are reading, writing, listening, and speaking. But, each does not mean to be a separate aspect of skill. One should be an integral of the others. Speaking does not always equivalent with practicing pronunciation, dialogues, or presenting a speech. One may also start with reading, writing, or listening. As these four skills are integrated, you may start with reading first when you learn to speak.

I am learning English here with first being much involved with the writing activities, but you are, as the readers, would perhaps start with reading. To my opinion, this is also the way to learn speaking. When you read one of the article loudly so that you will know how to pronounce each word correctly, this is also the way to speak. Usually, if you have a good command of reading, writing, and listening, then you will be proficient in speaking, as well. The first-three skills will support your speaking skill. Thus, again, to learn to speak one may choose from the other side.

I am almost overwhelmed with daily heap of works of export-import documentation and serving customers or other related parties from 8.00 a.m. up to 20.00 p.m. A few after office hours, I try to be with my family before they finally go to bed. The next one or two hours later, at the midnight, I try to manage this blog. Yes, I think I don not have much time to do many things. Anyhow, In the limitation of time and capability, I commit to maintain this blog existing.

One thing is now to be certain: this is not a magnificent blog like ones that are now available on clicks. This is but an amateur one, just a place to share experiences in English Learning. But, another thing has also to be certain: it will be going on. Not to teach, but to share!

The site keeper

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Islands of Mentawai On Sales

Media has reported that three islands of Mentawai are on sale. It has triggered many reactions from all circles. The spokesman of the House Representatives, Agung Laksono, asked the Police Cheif to investigate the issue thoroughy as selling islands is criminal abousive violence to the state unity and soverignity. The Local Provincial Office of West Sumatra and Mentawai Distric said that there is no island on sale, and the data in the web of privateislandsonlines.com are incorrect.Below article was quoted from Kompas, August, 2009 and translated to English for your reference.

The Provincial Office of West Sumatra and the District Office of Mentawai have refused that some islands are on sale, as it was released by a website on internet. The data in the web are not accurate.

The sale of the islands was released by privateislandsonline.com, who has been advertising that three islands are on sale, namely: Macaroni Island, Siloinak, and Kandui.

The assistant of the provincial office secretary of West Sumatra, Sinang Subekti said on Thursday 27/08, that the data on the web are not correct. He ensured that there is no island in Mentawai on sale.

We have informed the issue to the management of the tourism resorts and they confirmed that there is no island on sale. We do not see any law violence perpetrated by the resorts operator in Mentawai.

The Regent Assistant of Mentawai Islands, Yudas Sabaggalet, said that the three islands claimed on the website are not correct. Macaroni is a resort, covering 6 acres of area in Tanjung Sinai, Silabu Village, North Pagai Sub-district. This resort belongs to PT. Indah Internusa Bahagia , a foreign investment company (PMA) in 2004.

Kandui is a resort in Karangmajat Besar Island, covering area of 9.1 acres from the 60 acres of the Karangmajat Besar Island. This resort got a license in 2007.

Siloinak Island has been under management control of PT. Mentawai Surat Wisata since 2009. This foreign company does not control the whole island of 8 acres, but only manages a tourism resort of one acre.

The president director of PT. Mentawai Surak Wisata, Novi Leni Safitri, said that she had never passed any data of the island to the web owner. ‘We operate the resort here as usual and have never had any thought of selling the company, or even the island’, Novi added.

Novi does not have a plan to claim the web owner as this issue has now been taken over by the government. According to Novi, the rumor of the sale of the island has been spreading over since two years ago.

The same idea was also released by the president director of Kandui resort in Mentawai, Anom Suheri. He ensures that he has ever given any data of the resort to the web owner.

The Director General of the Control for the Sea and Fishery Assets of the Department of Seas, Aji Sularo, said that the government will investigate the ad of the islands sale to the web owner in Canada.

“We are making use of the diplomatic line with Canada to ask for any clarification, concerning to the advertisement of the island sale on the web. In case of further case (law violence) disclosed, we shall claim for law pursuit’, he added.

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Radio: Chase Away Your Loneliness

You may be living abroad now for a relatively long time for studies, official duties, or doing a business, and you feel a little homesick. You may be longing for ‘something Indonesian’ to chase away your loneliness. It might be someone from Indonesia to whom you can chat together, or watching a television on Indonesia news and journals. But if you cannot find them, you may have another choice of listening to voice of Indonesian reporters who are on air broadcasting news, playing music or presenting live talk show with listeners over the radios. You just turn on your laptop and click on one online radio streamer. You will feel as if you were in Indonesia, not far away from your home country. Online radio streamers can help you to chase away your loneliness.

In the mid of the vast attacks of the television innovation and or other audio devices like MP3/MP4, do the radios still have their fans like when they were on their golden age several decades ago? Almost in every city in this country, we still find more than just one radio station. Some people start or end the day by turning on the radio. While they are preparing themselves for their activities of the day, they listen to the radio. Or, when they are trapped in a traffic jam and have to seat in their car creeping the road, the trust the radio to entertain them. Some have a habit of listening to radio at hours before they sleep at night. Others say that they look like to have personal attachment to the radio. If this can be an indication, radios are still in the heart of their listeners.

There are some advantages why radios are still have their own fanatic listeners and are not apart from their heart. Not like televisions that require the viewers to stick glued on the screen, radios allow listeners to multitask. Listeners can do other works while they are listening to the radio. Radios may be also friendlier as listeners can call and share their feeling and emotion in a certain program designed to accommodate such sigh. This prominence is likely beyond the television.

Almost in any radio station, music seems to be the favorite program. Some have designed routine program that offers certain kind of music like pop, jazz, rock, dangdut (a kind of music from Malay), or nostalgic one. Others are presenting music on request, in which listeners can call the operator to ask a song to be played on air. If you are one who likes to have the first updates of the day, then you can tune ones that present news. Local contents such as traditional music and art shows are sometimes presented to entertain listeners of the surroundings.

Not only conventional radio stations that have been existing many years ago, with the rampant use of internet, online radio streamers are now available on your finger’s click. Not like the conventional ones, these online streamers need less infrastructure but with wider coverage of their listeners. Only with your personal computer or laptop and Internet connection your are now in the other continent may listen to any online radio of your town. Thus, you can enjoy your hometown nuance while you are living abroad.

Here are some of online streamers that you may pick up to chase away your loneliness while your are faraway from your hometown.










Other radio streamers:

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Our Independence Day

It has been a tradition to every one in our kampoong to do something special to welcome the Independence Day. Pak RT, the kampoong chief, hold a meeting with the residents to discuss what agenda to be taken. It is almost to be certain that we start it by setting up a committee, called as ‘Panitia Tujuh Belasan’ or ‘Panitia Pitulasan’. Tujuh Belas in Indonesian or Pitulasan in Javanese means the seventeenth of August, when we commemorate the Independence Day. This committee organizes all the events such as the mass social works to clean and dress up the environment, festive competitions and gathering for praying at the Independence Eve. There are many ways to celebrate our Independence Day, of course.

The committee usually organizes festive competition of some sports like volleyball, table tennis, and chess game for fathers and mothers. Some funny games or competitions are for children of the surroundings. We clean and dress up the environment with red-and-white flags and colorful banners to make splendid atmosphere. We do all the things to celebrate our independence to recall the great moment in history about 64 years ago when we get freedom from the colonists.

Hundreds of years our nation had been suffering from the wildest life of the colonialism era, and these miseries invited local and sporadic attacks against the colonist. Uncounted lost of possessions and souls were sacrificed with no result, until the nation came to the national awakening for which we recall it as Hari Kebangkitan Nasional on every May 20. Since the day all efforts to get rid of the colonialism were not on district basis, but on national basis. It was the change of the paradigm in the efforts and struggles to get freedom.

It was on the August 17, 1945 when Mr. Soekarno and Mr. Moh.Hatta, for and on behalf of the nation, proclaimed the Indonesia’s Independence to the world. Since then, we have been an independent nation after so long-sufferings from colonialism. History has recorded that this independence was not granted, but it was fought over with terrible pains, efforts and struggles. It was engraved with tears and paints, bodies and souls.

In commemoration to the Independence Day, we arrange festive events to express our thanks and joy for the freedom. In other side, it is to pray for the heroes passed away in the battles for the independence. Festivals are usually held a few days before or after the August 17. On the Independence Eve, we all gather in a wide-open space with foods offerings. After a written speech from the local regent or major usually read by the village chief, and one from the kampoong chief, an ulama prays for the predecessor heroes. In the same time, he appeals His blessing for the strength and tough to continue the on going development of the country.

A few days, usually until a week later, some festive events are still going on in some villages. Funny games such as panjat pinang (palm tree climbing) are popular among the village residents. In this game, participants will have to climb a palm tree to take some gifts on the top of the tree. It is not an easy game to do as the tree greased with fat before and is becoming slick when the contestants climbing it. Music shows are often presented to end the subsequent events arranged during the commemoration period. This is the way of how to express our thanksgivings to God for the freedom moment.

Now, after 64 years of the Independence Day, we are not holding guns and fire the enemies. We do not have to go to the battlefields confronting the colonists. What we have to do is to develop the country to pursue justice and welfare for all people. This is not an easy task to do of course, and is not only in the hands of the government officials but on ours, all the elements of the nation. It is the task of the nation to get rid of the backwardness.

There are some barriers that we have to overcome. Those might be coming for the outside such as global economic crisis and the fluctuation of the world oil prices. The hard works are how to create a breakthrough to be sustainable to these attacks. From the inside, the low economic growth, the increase of jobless, corruption and illiteracy are waiting tasks of the nation to be overcome. In addition, the country is still prone to any security disturbance and separatism that may hamper foreign investors to come.

We have been 64 years free from the chain of colonialism, but we are facing the new manifestation of it that curbs us from being the developed country. Could we now get rid of all these disadvantages? We may have been left some decades behind those developed countries, but there is only one answer from this nation: YES!

Mojokerto, August 2009

The site keeper

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How to Build a Paragraph

Writing looks like a light work. Even, people say that writing is easy. This saying may be more just like a stimulant that encourages people writing, but a good writing is not as easy as to say it. Good writing requires adequate technical knowledge, logical idea managing, and language proficiency. Communication competency will not be apart from writing. How to make a good writing?

Writing is actually communicating information or message in the forms of written language. To communicate the information, writers have to follow certain techniques so that their readers will easily understand. With their writings, the writers would make readers know and take any advantage from or, further to this-in some cases, to influence their thinking.

As writing is the art of influencing people by means of the power of words, writing is not just a matter of having a brilliant idea. How to present the idea will give much effect to the transferring process of the idea to readers. This communication of idea will be much influenced by whom the readers are supposed to be, the intent of writing, and how deep the expected effect to them.

Writers will express their idea in the form of sentences, but bad structure of them will not help readers comprehend the idea easily. Even, it may lead them to misunderstanding and misinterpreting and it means that the writer fails to transfer his mission. That is why it is important to organize such a group of sentences into a basic unit of writing that develops the main idea. This basic unit of organization is called as a paragraph.

By means of paragraph, writers will manifest their ideas. And only when they are developed in such a way, readers will ‘catch’ these ideas. To write a good paragraph the understanding of what it is about, components of its unity, and how it make a sense seems to be a compulsory.

A paragraph is a cluster of inter-linked sentences, built as a basic unit of a writing that will compose the whole writing in its unity. The numbers of sentences vary from one to another, but it will comprise the three main points of topic sentence, supporting sentences and concluding sentence. In addition to these three points, unity and coherence will support the paragraph to be powerful.

A topic sentence is stating the main idea of the paragraph. It comprises the thing that is to be described. A topic sentence should be precise and no need to tell everything about the topic in the first sentence. It serves to limit to one area that will be described in the space of the paragraph.

Supporting sentences are inter-linked sentences that develop the topic. They explain the topic by giving outlines, reasons, facts that will support the topic to be clear to understand. These sentences will make up the body of the paragraph as the result of describing the topic.

Closing sentence is the concluding sentence that sums up important points from the discussion. It may be a sentence of reinforcing the topic in another words. It is the conclusion of the discussion in the paragraph.

In addition to the three main points that form a paragraph, unity and coherence will support a good paragraph. Unity means that in the paragraph only one and the main idea is stated in the topic sentence and is developed by the supporting sentences to make it easy to comprehend. Meanwhile, coherence means how supporting sentences are describing the topic in logical and consecutive order.

The three steps of building a paragraph are pre-writing, writing and editing. Pre-writing is the step when writers think carefully and organize their ideas for the paragraph before they start writing. The writing step is when they turn the ideas into sentences and communicate them. The editing step is when they check the paragraph for mistakes and take necessary corrections.

In pre-writing step, it may be useful to think of:
Why do I choose the topic?
Why is the topic important?
How can I make the topic interesting?
How to collect data related to the topic?
Then, organize the facts ad ideas to develop the topic and the best way to present them to readers.

Writing step is when writers put on the idea and facts to the consecutive of order of supporting sentences.It is the phase when they write down the topic sentence, describing it with supporting sentence and sum up main point into the conclusing sentence, without missing unity and coherence.

Editing step is when writers check the paragraph for necessary corrections against mistakes. Not only checking against spelling and gramatilcal errors, but to the extend of this, if they have developed the paragraph excellent.

the site keeper

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Good Bye, The Peacock!

Only three days after Mbah Surip passed away and rested at ‘Bengkel Teater’ (Theatre Workshop of Rendra), today the owner, WS Rendra, had been reported as following his death. Clara Shinta, his daughter, has confirmed that Rendra passed away on Thursday at 20.30 local time. According to her, his father died due to his illness and has even had medical treatments in hospital before. Another hot news startling most people of the country has come.

WS Rendra was born in Solo (Central Java) on 07 November 1935, had been the famed poet and cultural specialist in the country. Devoting all the life in the art and culture has been placing him as one of the maestro. WS Rendra, because of his great support has been awarded with title of Burung Merak or the Peacock. He passed away at the age of 74 years old.

He may be rested for the last in Benkel Teater, Citayam, Depok, West Java, where Mbah Surip has been buried three days before. In only within three days of range, the nation has a loss of two well-known workers in the art of culture.

What we can do is not more than just praying for his peaceful rest in the other step of the human life cycle.

Good bye, Rendra! Good bye the Peacock!

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Learning From Mbah Surip!

Not many people may have ever recognized him before, except his family and relatives, who Mbah Surip was. It was such a surprise when he was then coming as a very popular artist in the country. Not only his face was shown of nearly in every minute on TV screen, but his popular song titled with ‘Tak Gendong’ is tuck to every ear of children to adults. This song has been a blast in the music industry of the country. Thus, he was soon becoming a new billionaire who gained five billions rupiahs from his royalties. But, it startled anyone when he was reported as having passed away on 4/8/2009 around 09.00 local time. It was hot news.

According to his family and relative in Mojokerto (East Java) and his colleagues in Jakarta, where he had been living for 29 years, Mbah Surip whose origin name was Urip Achmad Riyanto, was know as having humble but tough personality in the struggle of life. He said that man should not be judged from the outer appearance when men at his surroundings in Mojokerto were disregarding him almost 30 years ago. At that time, he had been living in economically under the grade with his wife and four children.

With the tough spirit of changing to the better life, in 1980 Mbah Surip moved the cosmopolitan city as an urbanite. Not many people know what he was doing, nor does his family, until the time was revealing the fact that he was among of the most favorite artists in the country. One certain thing to believe is that his success did not derive from a merely dream, but it is the fruit of the struggle. The fact that he enjoyed his success only in short time after such a along way of journey is another destiny.

The sudden death of Mbah Surip might not only have been due to the excessive exhaustion, but it might also come from the accumulation of the bad habits. Dr. Ari Fahrial Syam SpPD-KGEH, MMB, an internist from Indonesia University was quoted as saying in the press release in Cipto Mangkusumo Hospital Jakarta, Wednesday (5/8).

Still according to the doctor, as exposed by the Media, with his so tight schedule of shows, Mbah Surip only took 3 hours for sleeping each day. He had been addicted to much smoking and coffee, as well. Excessive fatigue, less sleeping, high smoking and unceasing coffee consuming may have caused chronic disorder to health that can trigger heart attacks.

To avoid this threat, it is important to maintain our style of living. Besides enough hours for sleeping, we must consume food with less fat, and to avoid much coffee, supplement drinks and smoking. Consuming healthy vegetables, fruit, and at least two liters of fresh water is highly recommended. Periodical laboratory tests would also be necessary to take as a preliminary alert or anticipating. With such measures, it is expected that the risks of heart attacks may be eliminated.

Despite his neglected health care, we can learn much from Mbah Surip on how persistent he was fighting the life. He had unveiled the thing that looks like impossible to the pessimists, but it is not in his hands. He changed from the street-ranged singer to one of the high-ranked idol. Cruising the long journey of living with full confidence and persistent to gain the success.

Now, Mbah Surip has gone away to another step of human life cycle. Good bye, Mbah Surip! Rest in peace.

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English For Young Learners (4)

Dalam pelajaran terdahulu kita sudah membahas bagaimana mengungkapkan peristiwa yang kita alami, mulai dari peristiwa yang sudah lewat / lampau, peristiwa yang sedang berlangsung, maupun peristiwa yang menjadi kebiasan atau sudah menjadi kebenaran umum. Kali ini kita akan membahas tenses yang kita pakai untuk melukiskan peristiwa yang akan terjadi atau akan berlangsung. Nah, tenses ini kita sebut ‘the future’. Ayo kita bahas lebih lanjut tentang the future ini, yang akan meliputi pembahasan mengenai simple future, future progressive dan future perfect, dan future perfect progressive.

Untuk melukiskan suatu peristiwa yang belum terjadi dan baru akan terjadi beberapa saat kemudian biasanya kita memakai kata ‘akan’. Kata ‘akan’ ini dalam bahasa Inggris kita memakai ‘will’. Umpamanya kita mau bilang: “Besok aku akan mendaki Gunung Merapi”. Dalam Bahasa Inggris kita ucapkan: Tomorrow, I will climb the Mount Merapi. Tenses seperti ini kita sebut sebagai Simple Future.

Simple future

Pola kalimat yang menggunakan simple future adalah

Subject + will + kata kerja bentuk pertama.


Saya akan melanjutkan belajar Bahasa Inggris. I will continue learning English.
Ia akan menulis artikel di sini. She / he will write an article here.
Berita itu akan membuatnya kaget. The news will make him surprised.
Bila kita tidak berbuat sesuatu, akan mati tanpa arti. If we don’t have something, we will die nothing.

Coba kita perhatikan!
Untuk subject he, she,it, kata will diikuti dengan kata kerja bentuk pertama, tidak perlu menambahkan ‘s’. Jadi bukan, She will writes, tetapi She will write.

Berlatihlah untuk mengungkapkan kegiatan-kegiatan yang akan kamu lakukan dengan memakai simple future ini sebanyak-banyaknya.

Bila kamu akan membuat kalimat negatifnya, letakkanlah kata ‘not’ di belakang kata will. Kata will not dapat digabung dan disingkat menjadi won’t.

Contoh pemakaian:

Hari ini kita tidak akan berlayar karena cuaca buruk.
We will not (won’t) sail today because of the bad weather.

Kami tidak akan pulang sebelum diijinkan oleh guru.
We will not (won’t) go home until our teacher allows us.

Lakukan atau kita tidak akan punya apapun!
Do or we won’t get anything!

Lalu bagaimana kalau kita akan membuat kalimat tanya?

Gampang saja! Tinggal memindahkan letak kata will di awal kalimat dan menambahkan tanda tanya di akhir kalimat.

Akankah hari ini kutemukan hal baru dalam hidupku?
Will I see something new in my life?

Akankah kau beli sebuah Mecedes bila kau dapatkan cukup uang.
Will you buy a Mercedes if you get enough money?

Future progressive

Penggunaan kata will sebagai terjemahan dari kata akan, hanya melukiskan bahwa suatu tindakan akan dilakukan. Di dalamnya tidak ada batasan tentang waktu yang pasti kapan pelaksanaanya: apakah itu akan sedang dilakukan, akan sudah dilakukan. Padahal dalam Bahasa Inggris ‘akan sedang dilakukan’ mengunakan tenses lain dari tenses yang digunakan untuk menerjemahkan sekedar kata ‘akan’. Ayo kita perluas pemahaman kita.

Pola kalimatnya adalah:

Subject + will + be + kata kerja bentuk -ing

Bandingkan antara kalimat:

Ia akan belajar Bahasa Inggris besok.
(She will learn English tomorrow).

dengan kalimat ini:

Ia akan belajar menulis jam11.00 besok.
(Karena ia mengikuti les Bahasa Inggris setiap jam 10.00-12.00, maka besok ia pada jam 11.00 sedang belajar. Hari ini kita isa mengatakan: She will be learning English at 11.00 tomorrow)

Jadi, untuk peristiwa yang akan sedang berlangung pada saat tertentu di waktu yang akan datang, kita pakai future progressive atau present continuous tense.

Wah, kok kata-katanya kelihatan ruwet banget ya. Kalau dilihat dengan mata iya sih, tapi coba kita lihat pakai rasa…tidak juga kan? Dalam bahasa Indonesia memang makna ‘akan’ ya sekedar ‘terjadi pada waktu yang akan datang’, itu saja! Dalam Bahasa Inggris lebih terperinci, apakah peristiwa itu: baru akan, akan sedang terjadi, sudah akan terjadi, ataupun akan sudah sedang terjadi.

Tambah bingung? Jangan menyerah! Dalam mempelajari bahasa memang selain menggunakan nalar kita juga menggunakan rasa. Semakin peka kita menggunakan rasa semakin gampang kita menangkap makna. Belajar bahasa juga tidak lepas dari unsur estetika, maka belajar menggunakan rasa akan sangat mempengaruhi kemampuan untuk menjadi ‘beda’ dan bukan sekedar ‘rata-rata’.
Kembali ke masalah future progressive, bagaimana kalau kita akan membuat kalimat negatifnya?

Pada jam 11.00 besok, ia tidak akan sedang belajar bahasa Ingris.
At 11.00 o’clock tomorrow, she will not be learning English.(mungkin khusus besok, lesnya libur)

Malam ini ia tidak akan sedang menjelajah internet.
Tonight, he will not be browsing the Internet. (mungkin dilarang bapaknya, biasanya setiap malam ia melakukan browsing).

Untuk membuat kalimat tanya, kita pindahkan kata will ke awal kalimat dan menambahkan tanda tanya di akhir kalimat.

Will she be learning English at 11.00 tomorrow?

At 11.00 o’clock tomorrow, will she not be learning English?

Future perfect

Bila pada waktu yang akan datang kita ‘akan sudah menyelesiakan’ suatu pekerjaan sebelum peristiwa lain tejadi, kita gunakan future perfect. Sekali lagi coba menggunakan rasa dalam mengartikan frasa ‘akan sudah menyelesaikan’ ini, maka semuanya akan terasa mudah dalam mempelajari tenses ini.

Pola kalimatnya:

Subject + will + have + kata kerja bentuk III (perfect)

I will have already finished eating when you arrive at 12.30. (makannya biasanya jam 12.00)
You will have graduated on August. (sekarang bulan Juni, ujiannya bulan July, Agustus sudah lulus kan?)

Untuk membuat kalimat negatif, sama saja tinggal menambahkan ‘not’ di belakang kata will.

I will not have already finished eating when you arrive at 12.30. (kalau makannya biasanya jam 13.00)

You will not have graduated on August. (misalnya ujiannya bulan September, pada bulan Agustus pasti belum lulus).

Dan untuk kalimat tanya, cukup memindahkan kata ‘will’ di awal kalimat dan mengakhiri kalimat dengan tanda tanya.

Will you have already finished eating when you I arrive at 12.30?

Will you have graduated on August?

Future perfect progressive

Masih terkait dengan masalah mengungkapkan peristiwa pada masa yang akan datang,
ayo kita pelajari sekalian mengenai future perfect progressive.

Pola kalimatnya adalah:

Subject + will + have + been + kata kerja bentuk –ing

Lho, koq semakin panjang saja ya. Kelihataannya begitu. Tapi coba gunakan resep ‘rasa’ tadi, maka semua menjadi gampang. Tenses ini untuk melukiskan peristiwa yang ‘sudah dimulai, sedang dan akan masih terus berlanjut pada masa mendatang’. Lebih jelasnya begini: kita sudah belajar Bahasa Inggris 2 tahun yang lalu, sekarang masih belajar di tahun ke-2 ini dan tahun depan mungkin juga masih terus belajar. Nah tenses yang paling tepat, gunakan future perfect progressive ini.

I will have been learning English for two years. (sudah belajar 2 tahun tapi tahun ke-2 ini masih berjalan, dan akan masih terus belajar di ahun berikutnya).

Anthony will have been eating ten apples. (sudah makan 10 apel tapi belum habis, sekarang sedang makan apel ke 10 ini, dan mungkin akan terus makan apel ke-11 dan seterusnya)

Bagaimana untuk membuat kalimat negatifnya ? Tidak berbeda dengan cara sebelumnya, tambahkan kata not di belakang kata will.

I will not have been learning English for two years.

Anthony will not have been eating ten apples.

Bagaimana pula untuk membuat kalimat tanya / interrogative? Bukan hal yang susah, tinggal memindahkan kata will ke awal kalimat dan mengakhiri kalimat dengan tanda tanya.

Will you have been learning English for two years?

Will Anthony have been eating ten apples?

Wah, rasanya sudah cukup panjang kita membahas masalah the future ini. Aku juga sudah capai nulisnya. Sementara kita sudahi dulu pelajaran kali ini dan kita lanjutkan pada kesempatan mendatang. Satu hal yang perlu diingat, coba berlatih sendiri dengan tenses di atas karena ini cara yang membuat kamu berbeda dengan mereka yang tidak / belum bisa berbahasa Inggris.

Selamat belajar.

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How To Be a Translator

There are so many ways from which one may make earnings, and the profession of a translator is still promising. As English ‘rules’ the world, with no limitation of space and time it is spoken all over the world, you have many chances of making money with your translation works, anywhere and at any time. Here are some tips of how to be a professional translator, both as permanent or freelancer translator.

A translator could be permanent one who is working for a certain company or bureau, or a freelancer who works independently and not tied to only one party. Permanent translators may be working for translator bureau or Publishing Company, from which they get salary monthly. They are paid regularly a certain amount of money for all the works they had been doing during the month.

While, freelancer translators are language workers who are working independently and not tied to a certain institution. They look for jobs freely and are paid based on the job volume they may have been doing during the month. Income will depend on how many works they have done. The more works finished, the more earnings they will take home.

Working as a translator is still promising today, but is not always identical with the loose competition. Publishers, especially the big ones, usually have their own permanent translators who are working on the assigned jobs the company gets from partners. Or, they have their own network of freelancers from whom they usually take the service. Anyway, freelancers are widely on demand as small-medium publishing companies spread out the country.

If you are interested in the book translating works, you may now start to make your dreams come true. Apply to publishing companies who publish books of your interest. For example, if you are so far interested in fiction then you apply to publishers who publish fictional books like novels, biographies, autobiographies and the likes.

Here are the ways that may be taken:

1. Apply to publishing companies

Application must be made in such a way so that it reflects your competence and experiences. Describe in what thing you are interested in, what you have achieved so far, and who have been taking service from you. If you have gained some achievements, you may include them to support. Like you have fairly translating records, you have been abroad for years, or have been taking long journey in the related works. Principally, here you sell yourselves to draw the first attention.

Do not forget to attach along with the application your specimen. Type your specimen in A4 with 12 font of Time New Roman double spacing. It is of 5-10 pages or one chapter. From this sample, publishers will assess you. If they think that you are the most adequate with their requirements, then they may give you trial orders.

2. Offer the works to publishers

If you have taken a book of your interest and translated it just because you think that it has high selling point, you may offer it to any publisher of the same interest. In your offering letter, tell what has encourage you to translate, selling points they may take advantages from, and estimated profits. Enclose the synopsis of your work to make it easier grabbing the contents in minutes.

3. Try as a freelancer of article translator

You may also try as a freelancer. Now online jobs are available and you can explore some of them who offer you best benefit, such as giving high payment and continual orders. Usually you are paid on per-word basis in US dollars. Works are usually on bids and within tight time to submit your translation.

Try to visit TranslatorsCafe or ProZ, an online translation service agent. Register on line, fill your profile and attach your specimen. Like an application letter, you sell yourselves here. If you qualify the requirements they are giving you trial offers. Explore some bids over there and take some offers that you think appropriate.

In Indonesia, usually you will be paid per-page basis. It is around 10.000 rupiahs per page, typed in A4 on 12 font of Times New Roman, double spacing. If a book of 200 pages, then you can figure out how much you will be paid. If you take offers from outside the country, you can be paid four times than one in Indonesia. They usually pay more than here. Why not to try?

Mojokerto, 29/07/2009

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Translators Will Never Die!

You may have been taking a career of a translator now, or still thinking of that for the time being. At the same time, perhaps, you let your thought overwhelmed with the anxiety of the now-existing translator software or free-online translating services like Google Translate that will take over the function of a translator and then many translators will no longer exist. There should be no reason for this fear, as dealing with languages is the matter of artistically getting involved with sense, feeling and emotion and not one of the machines.

To translate from a language to another, it is not just transferring the meaning of each word or phrase, but it is shifting one within the context. It is to transfer the contents and the ‘soul’ altogether, taking what the writer of the origin language wrote and placing it in the new frame of the target language. It is basically proclaiming the thought of the author to the language of ours, without any form of distortion.

Proficiency in the foreign language is not adequate without having the same degree of the capability in ones’ own language. The readers of the target language will comprehend the contents not in the source language, in which it was originally written by the author, but in reader’s own language. Thus, a translator translates sense with no corruption, while they are offering service to the readers, so that they understand and take meaning from what they are reading.

To translate the whole contents of the text, translators must also be an artist as translation is actually also an art. They should take the role of actors like those characters playing in the context. They are also acting as the original writer of the source text, but do the same in the target language. In this way, they should be involved emotionally in the whole context as if they were the origin author, and at the same time represent thoughts the readers of the target language. This is what makes you different with a translator machine.

Now, let’s see how you are translating and how a machine is doing! Take a look to this quoted text:

There was much to admire in president-elect Barrack Obama’s speech on the economy at George Mason University on Thursday. He candidly assessed the country’s predicament, calling it a “bad situation that could become dramatically worse”. He sounded a note of confidence about Americans’s capacity nevertheless to “overcome great fear and improbable odds”. And he offered a point-to-point description of American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan. (from The Washington Post, Washington DC).

In Indonesian, you may translate the text like this one.

Ada hal yang sangat mengagumkan pada pidato Presiden terpilih Barack Obama tentang economi di Universitas George Mason hari Kamis. Beliau secara terus terang menyinggung situati negara yang sulit untuk mengambil keputusan, yang ia sebut sebagai ‘situasi sulit yang secara dramatis dapat menjadi semakin buruk’. Ia menyerukan nota keyakinan akan kemampuan bangsa Amerika, sekali pun harus menghadapi kekawatiran besar yang seakan tak mungkin. Dan beliau menawarkan uraian dari poin ke poin mengenai Pemulihan Amerika dan Rencana Re-investasi.

And, this is the translation from a translating software:

Ada banyak kagumi dalam memilih presiden-Barrack Obama's sambutannya pada ekonomi di George Mason University pada hari Kamis. Dia candidly dinilai dari keadaan negara, panggilan yang "buruk situasi yang dapat menjadi lebih buruk dramatis". Dia terdengar catatan dari Amerika keyakinan tentang kemampuan bagaimanapun untuk "mengatasi ketakutan dan sangat mustahil". Dan ia ditawarkan point-to-point description of America Rencana Pemulihan dan Reinvestment.

Principally, the contents may be translated the same. But, the first style looks like more familiar to Indonesian readers who are in the use of Indonesian. Here, the translator is involving their emotion, feeling and sensibility in not only transferring the contents but also in framing it into Indonesian language.

In the second one, it appears to be in coming-from-machine style. As a machine is working on a systematically programmed-software, the target text looks like having lost ‘the humanity’. In case that it is subject to publication, some editing may have to be taken to adjust the text with the ‘Indonesian ears’.

From the outlines, it should be no more excessive worry of being defeated by the mushrooming innovated translating software in the nowadays-internet era. ‘Human translators’ are now widely needed on line, from which you may be also making some money. If you are willing to try as a freelance translator, you don’t have to leave your chair and just push on one-click mouse button. Try to visit TranslatorsCafe or ProZ. You will see not only bids of translating works, but also more things in relation to the translation worlds. Translator will never die!

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